How To Prepare For The Initial Consultation With Your Attorney
Prepare for the Initial Consultation If you are dealing with a legal matter and have taken the initial step to schedule a consultation with an attorney, you’re off to a great start. Hiring an attorney as early on in your case is essential to getting the best representation you can. Meeting with an attorney as soon as possible not only ensures that deadlines aren’t missed, but it also gives your attorney more time to understand the issues and help you reach the best possible resolution. When you’re meeting with your attorney for the first time, it’s important to come prepared. The better prepared you (the client) are for the initial consultation, the better able your attorney will be able to answer your questions and dive right into your matter. Having everything ready from the outset can also save you money, as it will take your attorney less time to work on your case. This is especially true when your attorney is billing by the hour. Below are a few things to remember that will help you get the most out of your initial consultation with your attorney. Gather and organize all relevant documents. Spend some time collecting all the documents related to your legal matter and organize them in a way that makes sense. When collecting documents, it’s better to include too much than too little; your attorney will be better able to decide what is and isn’t important. You should also make copies of these documents before your meeting, so you have a copy ready to give to your attorney. Note: some [...]